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i'm just an Australian kid, with a pretty nice life.

Friday, October 29, 2010

lying awake at night when you should be sleeping is never a good thing. a thousand thoughts racing through your head. thoughts about everyone and anyone and everything and anything. thoughts about where you could be instead or who you could be with. people you broke it off with and now have no contact. and when these thoughts run through your head you wonder what it would be like to talk to them again or be with them. you wonder why exactly they're not talking to you or responding to your text messages. whether it is to do with you personally or to do with people you interact with. you wish you could just call them to hear their voice and to ask what's going on... but then realize it was a crazy idea to begin with.. and you know that come tomorrow you'll question yourself as to why you were even thinking of that person in the first place. so many thoughts, yet so drousy. time to try and sleep. goodnight.

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